Sunday, May 17, 2009

They're here, they're here!

Here she is!!! Our precious Mia! Sorry for the delay....Friday proved to be a little busier than I anticipated with the garage sale prep! Having said that we praise our Father in heaven for a success we could not pulled off with out His help! We raised $1600 on Saturday, despite the cold rain at times! Thanks to all the amazing families who donated goods to the sale, to Starbucks for the 2.5 gallons of coffee they donated to sell and to help keep us all warm and awake, and to all those who came out and took part helping and buying. I had a wonderful time telling our story and just watching all that was unfolding in front of me. So many times I have been near tears just watching the faithfulness of our Father to help bring this little baby girl (his little girl) home and into our family. When I got tired and cold, I would see her face and smile and get a little of what I needed to keep going. My emotional cup is full and we have a lot of processing to do, but for now, our gaze shifts to the next event coming up on Saturday and that is the benefit concert and silent auction. Please help by spreading the word to those of you here in Indy (not that out of staters aren't welcome :-) We would love for there to be many people who come to hear our story and be encouraged not to mention become a little more aware of the needs that are out there and that it IS possible for each of us to make a difference in the life of the fatherless and rejected.


The Clark Window said...

Mandy I am so happy for you guys- she is BEAUTIFUL-- We are planning on coming on Saturday so we will see you then!!

Anonymous said...

Hi we are Dave and Karen Huffman and are in the process of adopting a 3 year girl from China. We have an 8 year old daughter that started this process in our minds about 3 years ago probably when this little one that was referred to us was being born. I was wanting to attend your benefit on Sat night but we had prior arrangements. How did it go? We are planning on doing a benefit concert. My husbands has a co-worker that is in the Indiana Gospel Music Assoc and he has a lady that sings with them and they have both agreed to sing at our benefit. I still need to figure out further details. We are also have a garage sale June 5th and 6th that I need to get working on. I have thought about asking for donations from people but then I was afraid that I would end up with more then I started with. I thought about selling cold bottled water and maybe seeing if Starbucks would donate coffee to be sold as well. What was your experience? Do you need another fundraising to make money for your adoption? I sale Mary Kay and get a 50% discount and I would be willing to give the 50% part to you to go towards your adoption. I have been thinking of offering this but just wasn't sure how to get started. Not too many fundraisers offer 50% profit. I would love to talk sometime about your adoption journey and fundraiser journey and just to have someone to talk with in the same situation. My email address is : My cell phone number is 317-417-4575 and my blogspot is Please contact me I would love to share information. Karen Huffman